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Comments on 13 Reasons Why

Comments on 13 Reasons Why

For many families, the new school year is exciting. Parents are relieved at the prospect of a quieter house, kids are looking forward to more time with friends and some students may even be excited about their new classes. But for many kids, going back to school can create anxiety over peer relationships, a new school, different teachers and more. For many kids this is a mild anxiety that can be...

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Expert Tips on Back to School Anxiety

Expert Tips on Back to School Anxiety

For many families, the new school year is exciting. Parents are relieved at the prospect of a quieter house, kids are looking forward to more time with friends and some students may even be excited about their new classes. But for many kids, going back to school can create anxiety over peer relationships, a new school, different teachers and more. For many kids this is a mild anxiety that can be...

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Please Join Us for a Twitter Chat on March 24, 2020 at 8 PM Est.

Please Join Us for a Twitter Chat on March 24, 2020 at 8 PM Est.

In light of current events around COVID-19, Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) is hosting a special Twitter Chat on Tuesday, March 24, at 8 PM. This chat is aimed especially at parents and caregivers to children with mental health issues. This Twitter Chat is an opportunity for parents and caregivers to come together and share their experiences. CMHO, it's member agencies and hosts, will...

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The Business Case for Government Investments in Early Interventions in Child and Youth Mental Health

The Business Case for Government Investments in Early Interventions in Child and Youth Mental Health

In the coming weeks leading up to the release of the 2020 provincial budget by the Government of Ontario, Children's Mental Health Ontario's members, which provide the majority of publicly-provided child and youth mental health care in the province, and youth and family mental health advocates will be attending public meetings with Ontario government leaders and MPPs to urge them to increase...

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