Meet your MPP – Some Helpful tips!
One of the most effective ways to influence the decisions of your MPP is to meet them and share your experience with them.
Whether you will meet one-on-one or with a group, plan the meeting and develop an agenda to cover all the points you wish to make.

Setting up a meeting
- To set up a meeting with an MPP, call their constituency office. Give your name, your postal code and the reason that you would like to meet with the MPP. Ask when the MPP will next be in town and when they will be available to meet with you.
- If the MPP is unavailable for a meeting, request a meeting with a member of their staff. Staff have more time to meet with you and they can bring your particular concerns to the MPP.
Prepare for the meeting
- Ask CMHO/ PCMH for support. We can provide a script to help you through the meeting.
- Develop a list of questions that you have for the MPP, as well as proposals for solutions.
- Bring materials that the MPP can refer to later. A one-page brief gives them a concise background on the issue, your concerns and your proposed solutions.
- If others are going with you, meet with them in advance. Select a spokesperson and agree on the presentation
- Do some research on your MPP to understand what issues matter to them
Tips to ensure a successful meeting
- Begin on a positive note. State the issue, your position, and what you want him/her to do
- Share your personal experiences. Let them know how this issue has affected you and your family.
- Focus on one or two issues
- Show that you are willing to work with them
- If you have an agreed upon time limit, stick to it
After the meeting
- Write a letter thanking the MPP for meeting with you.
- In your letter, summarize any commitments that were made and ask for an update on what has been done.
Keep advocating
Now that you’ve met with your MPP, what other steps can be taken? Consider the following:
- Share information about your meeting with your PCMH chapter and encourage others to also meet with their MPP
- Share information about your meeting with local media
- Share info about your meeting with PCMH/ CMHO
- Join the CMHO ‘army’ newsletter for regular updates
- Invite your MPP to meet with your chapter or a community group