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Schools are open, but kids’ mental health is still in crisis

Schools are open, but kids’ mental health is still in crisis

Ontario schools have reopened, but the kids—and their mental health–are still in crisis. While in-person learning is critical to a young person’s development, reopening schools does not magically solve the long-standing problems in kids’ mental health care. Children and youth mental health is in a state of emergency in Ontario. Prior to the pandemic, 28,000 kids were on wait lists across...

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Responding to Omicron, CMHO Update

Responding to Omicron, CMHO Update

As we start the new year, our province finds itself in a very stressful phase of the pandemic. For many of us, it’s been overwhelming trying to keep up with rapidly changing news and policies that directly impact us, particularly when it comes to information about schools. For the last 20 months, children and their families have repeatedly tried to make the best of these difficult situations. ...

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Ask an Expert: Managing Mood Disorders

Ask an Expert: Managing Mood Disorders

For nearly two years, we have shared the experience of navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.  We weathered the same storm, but in different sized boats. We know that children and youth have been affected by the pandemic through the transition to virtual learning, the loss of extracurricular activities, and for some – missing out on major milestones like graduation and prom. These missed moments and...

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Recognizing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Recognizing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

On September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Children's Mental Health Ontario is taking the opportunity to acknowledge the history of residential schools – to honour their survivors, mourn the lives of children lost and to acknowledge the ongoing intergenerational trauma and impact that the residential school system continues to have on the lives of Indigenous peoples across...

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Back to School Tips with Parents for Children’s Mental Health

Back to School Tips with Parents for Children’s Mental Health

We know it’s been a busy and challenging week for some as families get back into a school routine. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out our School Mental Health Backpack for updated tips and resources. We checked in with parents/caregivers from our peer support group, Parents for Children’s Mental Health, to hear how families are doing with the start of the school year and to ask for tips to...

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Mourning the children of Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc

Mourning the children of Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc

The uncovering of 215 unmarked bodies of children buried at the site of a former residential school  has rippled across the country. We are in a collective moment of mourning, sorrow, shame, anger, grief and condolence. Our thoughts are with the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc community and all Indigenous communities as they mourn this heartbreaking loss and re-live this trauma. Many children, youth and...

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Six Tips to Practise Self-care During Ramadan

Six Tips to Practise Self-care During Ramadan

For the next month, many Muslim families around the world will be observing the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is practised through a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and giving back to the community. Sadly, for many families this will be their second year observing this month in a pandemic. This will mean missing out on gatherings at the mosque for Taraweeh (evening prayers), community...

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The Pandemic and Child and Youth Mental Health

The Pandemic and Child and Youth Mental Health

As the pandemic continues to move through different phases, it’s a good time to check-in with yourself and your family. For many of us, this past year has been difficult. Many young people and their parents, as well as child and youth mental health experts, are concerned over the effects of the pandemic on the mental health of kids. Children's Mental Health Ontario has been tracking the emerging...

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Black Mental Health Week

Black Mental Health Week

Black children and youth and their families continue to face barriers, both interculturally and systemically, when it comes to accessing trusted and responsive mental health services and care in Ontario. We also know that institutionally, wide-spread research on Black mental health is lacking, resulting in a system that is largely unresponsive to the lived experiences of Black children, youth...

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A Return to School for All Children and Youth

A Return to School for All Children and Youth

Children’s Mental Health Ontario is a strong advocate of the return to school for children because we believe that in-class learning is key to children’s development and mental health. We believe that schools should be the last to close and the first to open because long-term school closures can harm the mental health and development of children. We are encouraged to see that all schools across...

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