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Concurrent Sessions E1–E6

E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 Promising Practices to Effectively Support Youth who are Survivors of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation A New Path to Connecting Children, Youth, and Families to Mental Health, Addictions, and Substance Use Health Care Youth...


A Provincial Training Initiative in Mental Health by and for Francophones: Think Tank!   Although children, youth, and families have access to mental health services in French in Ontario, there is still a disparity in the training available for professionals who...

Concurrent Sessions D1–D6

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Maamwimadibiwag – They Sit Together: Building Collaboration Between Indigenous and Western Approaches to Children’s Mental Health From Vision to Action: Implementing Right Time, Right Care with Ontario’s Communities Implementing “Time-Limited CBT” as...
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