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CMHO stands in solidarity with Muslim communities

We are sending our deepest condolences to the family of the those lost in Sunday’s and anti-Muslim hate. Our thoughts are with their family, their son, and our Muslim friends and families who are grieving, feeling scared, frustrated and tired. We must continue...

Children’s Health Coalition Statement – June 2

TORONTO, June 2, 2021 – As leaders in children’s health, we are deeply disappointed that Ontario has not acted upon the broad consensus for a regional re-opening of in-person learning. This consensus included children’s healthcare, public health, scientific experts...

Children’s Health Coalition Statement – April 17

TORONTO, April 17, 2021 – Now is the time to pull out all the stops to drive down the spread of coronavirus. As we do so, we must not forget about kids. Children’s learning, development and mental health is enormously at risk – and marginalized, racialized and...
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